4 reasons why you should use Managed DNS
Managed DNS has a lot of benefits, so here are 4 reasons why you should implement it. The DNS (Domain Name System) is not only a must to exist online, but a keystone for success. It’s the base for any domain to perform well, fast, safe, maintain high uptime, and offer a satisfactory user experience.
Difference Between Managed DNS and Self-Managed DNS
1. Managed DNS robust, modern and reliable infrastructure will totally boost your domain’s performance
There’s a choice to get a free DNS service, but it will always be much more basic and limited than a paid Managed DNS. You can create your own DNS servers, but it will require a lot of time, work, and money to keep them running. When you pay a Managed DNS service, the latest technology, support from experts, a robust network of servers globally located, many PoP (Points of Presence), and superior features will be at your disposal. To keep all this infrastructure up to date and running smoothly is not your job, but the provider’s. This is a gold reason to get it!
2. You can scale your Managed DNS service, up or down, when you need it!
Growing is a goal for every site, but it is sometimes not easy to get it or be prepared for it. To satisfy sudden or new needs of your domain or step back when results don’t go as planned can be stressful and expensive. For instance, if you already purchased more servers, and there’s no growth, neither in traffic nor income, it can be harsh. Most reliable Managed DNS services allow you to increase or reduce resources on-demand. The size and cost of your service increase or reduce based on the real needs you face. This flexibility is another good reason to consider!
3. Managed DNS provides better security
Managed DNS providers offer efficient security features and the possibility for you to enhance them. You can always jump to a more robust plan or add the extra or advanced protection your domain demands. DNSSEC, anti-DDoS-attack protection, load balancing, etc.
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4. The dreamed 100% uptime is possible
Large networks offer you the chance to have multiple PoP internationally. That will totally increase your domain’s speed, and it will provide redundancy enough for it to be constantly available. Whenever a server or a couple of them fail or get attacked, you can rely on many more to keep your domain up.
Managed DNS is totally worth its price! Just think about the large number of domains that already live on the Internet. First, you have to be visible, then you have to be competitive, and after, prepared to handle the success! Managed DNS offers you a reliable base (infrastructure) for all this to happen.
Check providers, compare prices, look for a guarantee, and be very aware of possible fine print. A good decision today will mean fewer headaches in the future!