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Tag Archive : Ping command

MTR command – A network diagnostic tool for Linux

Many network diagnostic tools are already a part of Linux. For example, Nslookup command, Host command, Dig command, Traceroute command, and more. But, sometime in the past, there was a guy called Matt Kimball. He was just not satisfied with the traceroute command in the 90s, so he decided to make a new one – the MTR command.

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​Ping command basics for testing your network

The ping command might seams too basic for many people, but it is still around, and there is a reason for that. It is one of the fastest and easiest ways to find out if a particular device is connected. Just ping it, and in a matter of moments, you will see a clear answer. 

Interesting examples of the Ping command!

​What is the Ping command? 

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